FYP Final Report v1.0.0
Copyright and All Rights Reserved To: Pee-Lo Team @2003/04
During this week, we just indulged ourselves in reading more about Microsoft .NET. The delay was
not an easy thing for any of us. We felt wasted.
Week 2, Trimester 2 2003/2004
Finally our FYP proposal was approved. The title will be Physician-Patient Interaction via Wireless
Technology. We met up with Mr. Hasnain and had a discussion on how he wanted us to proceed
down with the FYP. He stated his demand, and his guideline.
Week 3 5, Trimester 2 2003/2004
We had our system drafted out. In these three weeks, nothing worthy of notes to place. We
agreed that each one would write one literature review for the FYP interim report. The type of
literature review to do was divided equally among the three of us. Cheng Yong would do the part
about XML web services, June would be doing a review on how wireless technology particularly
the PDAs were being used in the health care environment while Tie did the review on a
comparative study between J2EE and Microsoft .NET.
It was also during this week that we came out with a subtitle; the XML Web Services in
Telemedicine. Readings continued.
The greatest thing to happen in this range of weeks would be the agreement on the codename
Pee-Lo. From that point onwards, our FYP is called by its codename. Pee-LoWS for the XML web
services, Pee-LoAA for the desktop application access and etc.
Week 6, Trimester 2 2003/2004
We compiled everything we had prepared; the database diagram, the literature reviews, the
additional information and as well as preparing the presentation slides. We also started gathering
all the software and hardware we needed to build our application. Tie also consulted the Microsoft
representative on the possibility to do Bluetooth using Microsoft .NET. The reply was not favorable
since current there was no Bluetooth API for Microsoft .NET. We continued reading but this time
we moved learning the programming languages supported by Microsoft .NET. June would also be
doing her own research on how to build a PDA application while Cheng Yong worked installing the
Microsoft SQL Server 2000. Tie had himself familiarized with the ASP .NET while Cheng Yong
worked on learning C# and June on VB .NET and .NET CF.
Tie also installed Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and tried to make good use of it since it will be
the OS that we would host our application on. Cheng Yong later came in and installed the
Microsoft SQL Server 2000.
Week 7, Trimester 2 2003/2004
We were required to submit our FYP interim report on this weeks Friday. Apparently we had all
things prepared except the presentation slides. Tie and Cheng Yong worked on the presentation
slides while June proofread the whole FYP interim report.