FYP Final Report v1.0.0
Copyright and All Rights Reserved To: Pee-Lo Team @2003/04
These two weeks were totally off. Tie went back to Sarawak while June and Cheng Yong went
back to their respective hometown as well. No significant progress.
Week 9, Trimester 3 2003/2004
The week of midterms and assignments! Putrajaya Hospital, the only hospital to respond to our
letters told us that we need to approach the Ministry of Health for the permission to obtain the
patient database. Cheng Yong rushed another letter and had it sent to the Ministry of Health.
We finally faced our most crucial problem database realism. If we were to use our own
database, the whole final prototype would look fake and unrealistic. We slowed down the progress
of our FYP and concentrated on finding a realistic database.
Apart from that, many assignments were coming our way.
Week 10, Trimester 3 2003/2004
The Ministry of Health gave a very favorable response for us. Cheng Yong prepared another letter
and had it sent to Putrajaya Hospital. We hoped that this time our delay can be overcame. More
midterms coming! Our FYP was still not moving at a constant speed.
Week 11, Trimester 3 2003/2004
Somehow Putrajaya Hospital never got back to us after we sent our latest letter. June and Tie had
to go around Malacca to interview clinic doctors for a more realistic data for our database. None of
them were willing to provide us the database or even a glimpse of the patient record. Their reason
would be that it will be a medical ethical issue to reveal the patient record to any third party without
the consent of the patient.
We only managed to obtain very little information from them. We had to make do with what we had
and try to create a medical database on our own. It would be a very unrealistic approach but we
had no choice.
Week 12, Trimester 3 2003/2004
We rush on everything! With the database issue somewhat settled, we were on the track again.
We moved in a fast pace. FYP final report submission was next week. Mr. Hasnain suggested
that we tried to make sure of some other students FYPs database (that had relation to medical
data) and create a web services for it. It was an optional thing to do but we intended to give it a
We managed to complete the Pee-LoAA, Pee-LoMWA, Pee-LoPPCA, Pee-LoWS and Pee-LoWA.
As a whole, we completed everything major and critical to our prototype.
Our documentation for the final report went smoothly. We deployed our system and things worked