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FYP Final Report v1.0.0
Copyright and All Rights Reserved To: Pee-Lo Team @2003/04
Also, this XML web services can be built using either J2EE or .NET.  On which platform to use, that will a
choice left to the management and development team to decide.  In order to achieve device independent
design with the shortest time spent on developing the solution, .NET might seem to be a better choice.  Fig.
4 is the proposed design architecture on how the XML web services will look like if the whole design is
mapped to the .NET framework.
In this sample design, all devices (except cell phones) can access the system through their browsers.  In the
context of .NET, laptops, PCs, non-PCs such as Macintosh machines and TabletPCs will be using
ASP.NET to interact with the system.  Personal digital assistance (PDA), being it Pocket PC or Palm, and
all cell phones will be using ASP .NET Mobile in interacting with the system.  VB .NET, C#, or any
compliant .NET languages can be used to develop applications that sit on desktops to interact with the
system within (or even outside) the health care institution also.  The idea behind creating desktop
applications is to give the physicians a richer interface when interacting with the system since web access
has its limitations such as transferring very large images.  The XML web services are part of the .NET
framework and as such, it dwells in the business logic.  ADO .NET will be used to interact with the
database used to accommodate the data for the system.
Java version of the design will have all the functionalities as that of the .NET version but with differences
in the overall architecture design.  Nonetheless, the proposed architecture design is still true.  It just has a
different way to go about designing the layers of Java technology used in building the system.
As a sum of all things said, XML web services are hardware and software independent and because of that
come flexibility and location independency.  Telemedicine has much to benefit from the implementation of
XML web services.  Since it does not touch on the underlying design of any system, it is financially cost
efficient and from the economic standpoint, it is also very commercially valuable since many front end
services can be built on top of XML web services. Previous page Top Next page