FYP Final Report v1.0.0
Copyright and All Rights Reserved To: Pee-Lo Team @2003/04
5.0 Conclusion
5.1 Future Improvements
Pee-Lo, as a whole is a solution prototype; a proof of concept on how XML web services can be
used to improve the data sharing and transmission in the field of telemedicine. In the development
of this prototype, we do not focus much on the security aspects of it and as well as on the front
end. We focus on making the prototype work and leaves ample room for security enhancement at
the Database Layer, XML Web Services Layer and as well as at the Client Access Layer. The next
few subsections we will mention some of the noticeable future improvements that can be
implemented onto Pee-Lo.
5.1.1 Database Layer
This layer is the data repository to the whole system. SQL Server supports distributed database.
Implementation of the distributed database might not be easy but it is all worth the effort to ensure
that the database failure at the server side will not cripple the whole database system of the entire
client/server system. Other implementations which can further enhance the Database Layer
includes but not limited to the following:
Implement the usage of stored procedures; that is to create SQL methods and have it
being compiled and stored on the SQL Server to quicker access, more secure and easier
Setup the SQL Server to backup the data daily.
Monitor the traffic/access of the database access using the transaction log of the SQL
Create a dummy administrator account with a messed-up password (the password which
is not meant to be remembered) to confuse the cracker/hacker.
Make shadow copies of the database and have it set to auto failover when the main
database goes down.
5.1.2 XML Web Services Layer
Protection at the Database Layer has already secured the entry to the database. We can include
another layer of protection at the XML Web Services Layer as well to double shield the system.
The following implementations are a list of a few considerations which can be implemented to
enhance the speed/security and maintenance of this layer:
Cache the most frequently used but less volatile XML web service for quicker access.
Implement the usage of SSL connection.
Improve the security by enabling the encryption protection.
Use the custom SOAP Header to further improve the authenticity of the user who
accesses the system.