FYP Final Report v1.0.0
Copyright and All Rights Reserved To: Pee-Lo Team @2003/04
Pee-LoWA is a web based application. Since it is built in Microsoft .NET, the HTML codes and all
the other Javascript codes are tailored to support the type of browsers that are used to access
Pee-LoWA. This makes Pee-LoWA truly device independent. How Pee-LoWA Consumes XML Web Services
As mentioned the Section 3.4.3 the WSDL contract is received/sent via a proxy class. In the case
of Pee-LoWA, this proxy class is automatically generated by Visual Studio .NET upon adding the
XML web services WSDL file to the web application which is going to consume its service. This
auto generated file contains all the functions provided by XML web services that the application
chooses to consume. A sample of the codes that makes up the proxy class is at Snippet 13. It has
synchronous function calls, asynchronous function calls and serialization codes. In a nutshell, it
has everything a developer ever needs to build a robust and excellent application that consumes a
XML web service. It is up to the developer to use whatever functions necessary.
Snippet 13: Auto Generated Proxy Class Codes by Visual Studio .NET
With the proxy class auto generated, the developer needs to do some minor coding which actually
involves initiating an object (since in Microsoft .NET, everything is object oriented) and as well as
the type of XML web services which the application wants to interact with. Snippet 14 shows a
sample of such codes.