FYP Final Report v1.0.0
Copyright and All Rights Reserved To: Pee-Lo Team @2003/04
2.3.2 Availability of Data
To make data available all the time, we need a technology or a method to broadcast it. Web
services come to our mind.
Web services can be best explained as a unit of programming functionality that is exposed to client
applications via the Internet. Web services are built on XML (refer Web Services literature review).
With the data unified, we can broadcast the data out using web services and make it available to
anyone who has the right to interact with the data. Web services can only be implemented once
we have conceptualized our unified data representation section. One great thing about web
services is that it is a standard and an open technology. No companies can claim it as their
propriety technology.
As a proof of concept, based on the XML we have created before hand while doing the unification
of data representation, we will build a web services and make the data publicly available to anyone
who has the authority to interact with the data.
2.3.3 Accessibility of Data
With the achievement of unifying data representation and the implementation of web services, our
next focus will be accessibility of data. Data needs to be accessed anywhere disregard of the
devices used to do it.
This is where Microsoft .NET Framework comes in. We will use the .NET platform to develop
applications for mobile devices (primarily Pocket PC) and another version of it in web based format
for mobile devices. The Web based format is targeted to those mobile devices which currently
does not support the Microsoft .NET Framework.
Apart from that, we are also going to create a web based access to make accessing the data
publicly available for those who does not have mobile devices.
2.3.4 Consistency of Data
This issue is attended to when we implement a standard way of data representation and web
services. To prevent such inconsistency of data to happen, what the system has to do first is to
use web services to obtain all the data about a patient first. Then only will the system begin
updating the data.
Consistency of data is demonstrated once we implement standardization of data representation
and web services.